Hack the Future is a one-day party and hackathon for kids in grades 5-12. It’s a self-directed hackathon for future hackers. And, it’s a unique opportunity to learn modern software and hardware design and engineering from mentors in bay area startups and companies large and small. I handled the creation of branding around the event as well as digital and promotional assets.
Branded shirt designs
Facebook Page Assets
Teaser promotional graphic
A couple of young hackers at the event.
In addition to creating the branding and collateral I lead the design thinking table. Here young Audrey is running through some user testing of her iOS app, "Bike Age"
Shortly after Hack the Future 6 the organization approached me to adopt the logo as their permanent branding. What an honor to see my logo used for good in so many different applications. A logo on a latte?! Yes, yes it is.
Hack The Future

Hack The Future

Pro-Bono work for children's organization Hack the Future
