Surya Shékhar's profile

Poster Design / Kitsch

Digital Illustration + Poster Design

It was just another day, I randomly sketched a woman.
A black outlined figurative of this woman who seemed sad.

Then I came across this stunning poster for Ajanta CircusI fell in love.
I realised, the term I've been looking for to describe my ongoing art obsession is Kitsch.

The girl in the poster (taking a sword down her throat) reminded me of the women I drew.
I had found my colour palette. My circus girl was ready. 
I shared the process on instagram. Friends loved it.
But something was missing. My art wanted to mean more.

I came across a post from a Zine I've worked with before. Yes, Ma’am is a Texas based feminist zine, and was asking for submissions for its upcoming issue Microzine of Microaggressions.

"Microaggressions can be defined as subtle (intended or unintentional) comments or actions that are hostile or demeaning to a member of a particular group. These casual degradations may only last for a short moment, but are evidence of much larger systemic social issues."

My artwork found its true meaning. The woman I drew, was unhappy because of her toxic experiences from the society, Microaggressions.

I made a poster for 'Microzine of Microaggressions', placing the woman at the center and approached the Yes, Ma’am team to know if they like it.

Well, they loved it so much that they wanted to use it as a poster for their zine release event.
Now this could be a very tiny thing, but means so much to me.
I present you the final poster.
Poster Design / Kitsch

Poster Design / Kitsch
