clotilde Drivet's profile

UX/UI - Project management app - Taskly


Taskly is a Project management app designed to help people plan, organise, share, and complete effectively their projects and tasks.
I made this project during my 3 months courses "UX Design" with CareerFoundry.


I did not want to design another app that would be wasting your time when trying to understand how it works.
My goal was to design an app that is intuitive, fast, smart and beautiful to make life easier.

When looking at the numerous competitors of project management app, I discovered that one of their pain points was to be too geeky, not intuitive enough, too complex and overwhelming.
As a graphic designer, I wanted to make sure Taskly would be a useful tool to make work easier. Helping to organise people to avoid stress and provide smoother and effective results. 
01. Competitor Analysis
To determine who are Taskly's potential customers, what needs do they have and how can a web app like Taskly fulfill those needs better than current competitors, I made competitors profile and made sure to collect all these informations:
- Overview and Competitive Advantage
- Marketing Profile
- Core Business
- SWOT Profile
- Content
- Design
- Performance
02. User Surveys
Users survey with Survey Monkey
My objective was:
- Define how people are dealing with the daily tasks and why.
- If people are using Tasks management app and which features are important for them.
I used Survey Monkey to do these testings.

After the survey, the 5 core Features of Taskly were decided for the MVP. But i had to continue with some interviews to make sure the MVP for Taskly was the right one.
Example of Users interviews
03. User Personas
To gain a better understanding of Taskly's target group and get a deeper sense of who its users are, I created Personas after doing some research and using what I learned through the user surveys. 
04. User Task Model and Experience Map
Task modeling gives an insight into understanding what people want and how you can go about designing it. It's the process of breaking down the steps people take and the decisions they need to make while using a service.

customer experience map is a tool for visualising all of the journeys a customer may experience when using a particular product, as well as how all of these journeys are connected.
05. Sitemap
A sitemap is a visual representation of a product’s structure and page hierarchy. It also reveals how each piece of content is related. 
I could build this sitemap after doing cards sorting with some possible users.

Cards sorting is a method used to determine the information architecture of a site. Participants have to organise into different categories many cards and decide how to labels the groups. 

Cards sorting session
06. Paper Prototyping
Paper Prototyping is a great way of being creative, messy, make mistakes and most of all solving problems.
I used different iteration of these prototypes to see how my concepts would be perceive during some usability tests. It is fast, cheap, and you learn a lot.
07. Wireframes
With Balsamiq, I created many versions of digital prototypes. They were all tested with some participants using them printed or with interactive method (InVision).

Wireframes are a great way to refine continuously the user flows, design and features ideas.
My goal was to have a product with a smooth, intuitive and seamless user flow on mobile, tablet and desktop.
Click here  to see interactive prototype for Taskly made with InVision.
08. User Testing - A/B testing and preference Test
With UsabilityHub, I started with some A/B testing to assure that our main feature "Create a Task" was immediately visible.

Then, to test some usability concerning the dashboard on tablet, I ran some Preference tests as well.
These tests helped me refine my design and gave me the opportunity to start high fidelity mock-ups with confidence and a reliable assessment.
09. Visual Design
Starting designing high fidelity mock-ups after doing all the previous research, work and testing gives a sense of trust and confidence in creating a product from solid ground.
Mood Board
UI Kit
10. Finale Mockups
Design Improvement

Activation & Retention
To improve activation and retention of our users and reinforce the usability heuristic of the UI, I wanted to make sure they will understand easily and have a Happy feeling when using Taskly, especially the first times they use it...
For that, I decided to create and draw friendly characters to provide some help for first times users.
UX/UI - Project management app - Taskly


UX/UI - Project management app - Taskly
