Save Life Foundation is an NGO that works towards safety while driving, be it talking on the phone while driving, drunk driving or just plain foolhardiness. Since it is targeted towards Mumbaikars, we created a strategy that got us the most amount of eyeballs and engagement. We went the colloquial way, inserted a desi Hindi flavour with a smack of pop culture, and got more than what we aimed for. The target was to get their pre-made video for safe driving a million views. We got them 1.1M views, 33k likes, and 2.2k shares; the kind of organic/paid reach that even the client had not anticipated.

My part includes creative direction for each and every post, coming up with the ideas on a day-to-day basis and making sure they are executed accordingly, community management, tracking the progress and improvising the target/boosts/creative direction on the go.
Save Life


Save Life
