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Python/Anaconda Data Science

The program above creates several different graphs, also pictured below, using data from a given dataset an online course. The data is a collection of several car models and their statistics, such as their miles per gallon, horsepower, etc. It creates more graphs and charts than those included, but the ones that are included are a bar graph that simply shows the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 0.5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, a pie chart with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 0.5 with added labels as seen, and a line graph that uses the given data. The line graph shows every car model from the dataset and their respective mpg data.
The following program is from the Basic Math and Statistics portion course. It uses a dataset given by the course which is stored online. A link is used to access it, and the purpose of the program is to display all of the given data in rows and columns. As pictured, the data is a collection of the mean, min, max and other values for the mpg, hp, drat, etc. of all the car models used in the dataset.
This next program I made using the Math and Statistics chapter of the course, it uses the car dataset provided by the course to display different kinds of data. In this case, the program is doing two different things with seven different results, first, it prints the specified information, being the data for the five car models listed in the printed table. Then it calculates the spearmanr coefficient of the cyl and vs, cyl and am, and cyl and gear of the car models and prints each value. Finally it calculates the chi square statistic of the same pairs of values and also prints them.
The next program from the Dimensionality Reduction portion of the course. This program uses an iris dataset, which contains data for different kinds of flowers, such as their sepal or petal length. The program calculates and prints the sum of all the explained variance ratio values, and creates a heatmap, shown below it, that shows the intersecting values of the sepal length, width, and petal length and width from the dataset.
Lastly, I made this program following the Outlier Analysis chapter of the course. The program uses the same dataset as the last one, which contains data for different kinds of flowers, but this time it displays specified values, being the outliers of the dataset, and prints the DataFrame of the values in the dataset that range from 0 to 4.
Python/Anaconda Data Science

Python/Anaconda Data Science
