Wind Energy
Video explaining the process of wind energy as well as its successes. 
A video presentation based upon wind energy source designed for middle to high school science students. Using the book "The Boy who Harnessed the Wind" which is a true story of William in Malawi who created his own wind turbine as the engagement piece for students.  Data from the Department of Natural Resources provides factual evidence as to how wind energy is on the rise. Students are encouraged to use their own resources within the classroom to see if they can also harness the power of the wind. 

Learning Outcomes: 
Students will be able to justify the importance of wind energy and explain how to construct a wind turbine. 
A rough draft of the script written for the video.
First, I started with a script based on wind energy and what would interest students the most. There is a true story of a child who created his own wind turbine and produced energy for his town. This story could be inspiring for students who don't believe that they are capable of creating this technology. A rough draft of this script was narrated before adding slides in. 
The slides were designed with the green energy and sky design in mind, but the quality did not meet design standards. The colors were too similar and the information did not stand out. 
United States Wind Energy bar graph for wind power capacity over the past 10 years. 
A bar graph representing renewable energy resources and its use in the United States. 
After editing my slides, my script and the overall look of my Wind Energy presentation, I was able to create my final video. I changed my appearance so that I didn't wash out against the walls of my house. I edited the slides to create professional bar graphs that could easily be read and understandable to audience eye. 
Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Objective: Create a video presentation based upon a renewable energy source designed for middle to high school science students.  Topic: Wind En Read More
