Kingston University, Media Specialist Practice

Focus on: Animation.
Movie short: Job interview

This project is an animated short with main objective the expressiveness, appeal and overall acting of the characters as well as storytelling..

Research and implementation of the 12 principles on animation had to take place on scenes that were not included in the final file before starting to work for the short. By practicing on other projects and different scenes a variety of expressions and movements was covered until the final outcome which is seen in the final story.

Character design and strong poses were studied, as well as appeal, acting and emotions.
The main purpose of this short is to unfold a story, with expressive animations, where the thoughts and feelings of the characters will be able to reach the audience and captivate the viewers attention.

3D models: 

Focus on the expressiveness in the eyes. The audience tends to pay a great deal of attention in this particular area.
Contrast between parts of the body. Directional force and applied force make character more interesting concerning the overall shape
Principles of animation as squash and stretch happen in every area of the face, affecting traits like the cheeks,mouth, eyelids, nose, as well as the head.
Objects in the scene can be translated, scaled ,or be made invisible in order to stage the shot correctly or emphasize an idea. For example if the man was to be short in the first design the office chair and desk could be scaled up to reinforce that.
Some of the main expressions before starting to animate for the short 
Job interview

Job interview
