Inspired by our favourite childhood books, the task of creating an editorial based version of the book was assigned. The editorial was treated as a class magazine called Grid. The characters were to be brought through life through our own imagery that would align to the book story line and the way the story was established via the design elements.

The chosen was based on the warrior princess, Mulan. Who was rejected from joining the army and whose destiny in life was to be raised proper to me married off.
Photos that were used, taken by fellow classmates.
The layout was a template created for the group. However the task was to generate our storybooks' themes and styles through this template, with the use of different colours or image placements.

In the editorial three characters had been focused on, Mulan, Mulan’s father and her newly acquainted dragon friend Mushu. The characters receive their palette of colours according to the type of role they play within the book. Mulan is pink to display her femininity however the picture portrayed are strong and intimidating. The father is a calm and illusive character thus portrayed with blue. Whereas Mushu is displayed with red to visualize the mischievous character, alongside the playful image applied.
Final Cover Implemented
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