Rajvir Chana's profile

Morse Code Trainer

Morse Code Trainer
Video demonstration/explanation of how the Morse Code Trainer functions.
Task: To create a realistic and helpful device for using using a minimum of three input and output sensors.

Role: Ideation, Coding, Physical Modelling, Prototyping, Presentation

Tools: Arduino, Processing, Illustrator, Google Slides, Arduino kit

The Morse Code Trainer was a project worked on in a group of four to provide a fun and interactive way to learn morse code by incorporating technology with historical intelligence. The Morse Code Trainer engages the appeal of secretive knowledge and interactive learning through the implementation of sensors and on-screen visualizations.
All the physical components used for our project.
D E S I G N  D E C I S I O N S

User Friendly
While ideating through our project, we wanted the morse code trainer to be accessible to as many people as possible, which included visually impaired and hearing impaired users. Our group took this into consideration when we were choosing how the user will know what to do and which output sensors we wanted to incorporate into our project.

At the end of the slider sensor, the user can start using the trainer by pressing any key on the laptop keyboard, in which switches the screen to display the letter that was pressed, as well as the morse-code adaptation of that letter which is where we considered the hearing impaired. At the same time, audio is played in which translates the morse code orally, so that the user can hear what it's supposed to sound like, assisting the visually impaired.

They can then try to tap the touch sensor on their own, which will result in light emitted through the LED and sound through the speaker in response to the taps on the sensor. Both these sensors indicate if the user is correctly imitating the on screen letter.
The book
Having all the wires out in the open would have looked amateurish. We needed a way to secure the jumper cables, Arduino redboard, a breadboard, and resistors.  In order to do this, we decided to hide this equipment inside an antiquated style book because it helps augments the idea of morse code being a hidden language.
The three pages shown when using the slider.

Physical Labour
Our input and output sensor were hidden inside a book to keep our wires and circuit board contained in one area. Cutting the book’s pages also proved difficult as it required repetitive incisions and a lot of strength to build a hollow space throughout various levels of the book to place our hardware.
For this project, we were given the task of creating whatever we desired, while using a minimum of 3 input and output sensors. With these instructions, we had a pool of possible ideas to come up with. Throwing out some ideas, I suggest to my group that we should create something along the lines of a learning device, yet enjoyable to use. We knew right away that we wanted something out of the ordinary. This lead us to the idea of the morse code trainer.
Perfecting the code challenged us to pinpoint little errors in Arduino and Processing, specifically eradicating delays and finding ranges of values for our sensors to work. In order to solve these errors, our team did a rotation method, where we took turns to solve any errors. This way, we had a set of “fresh eyes” to look at any errors.
How the physical components were hidden inside the book versus what the user sees.

Our completed design showcases the book in which the user can open the cover to turn on the trainer, initializing the welcome screen on the laptop. The user can then use the slider sensor to slide to the middle towards the instructions screen, which gives a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the trainer. Once learning the instructions, the user can then slide the sensor to the end and start learning morse code. After completing this project and staging a 10 minute presentation, our group received an A for our Morse Code Trainer.
Morse Code Trainer

Morse Code Trainer
