Carolina Bündchen's profile

ARCHITECTURE l brera's fine arts academy


Placed in the former military quarter of milano, this project consists in a new campus for Brera's Fine Art's Academy. The main aim is to connect and serve the students due to their needs, having in mind their necessities to a open campus that allows creating and interaction, but also privacy, respecting their creative space. 

The formal proposition came as two new buildings, one in a linear way, connecting the existing buildings as a central spine. The other one as a big rectangle form lifted creating an inhabitaed plate, that connects the academy to the city of Milan through an art gallery (extention of pinacoteca di brera) and an auditorium that would host lectures, workshops and graduation ceremonys. 

The existing builginds were also changed, mostly to attend the new needs of the space. The one under the art gallery, has become a museam, a cafe and a gift shop, bringing more life to the campus and invinting the city to join the academy's activities.
ARCHITECTURE l brera's fine arts academy

ARCHITECTURE l brera's fine arts academy
