Sharom Cabezas's profile

Soulmates Poster Design

Soulmates are usually depicted in popular media as a purely romantic partner. There is usually some torrid love affair attached to the event of finding ones true love, but usually happily ever after soon follows. I do not completely disagree with this idea of a soulmate being a romantic partner, but I also believe that a soulmate does not always necessarily have to fit that function. Strong love connections can exist in a purely platonic state. This description from Urban Dictionary puts it in terms that I can fully support: “Your soulmate is a person who understands and connects with you in every way, and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them”, a soulmate is just someone like you.
Soulmates Poster Design

Soulmates Poster Design

Multi Media Poster Design
