Nathan Magcawas's profile


Colour Palette
Colour Theory
Yearbook Pages
I really like these because the designs are nice and simple just they way I like it. I like simpler designs because they're still pretty, there's just not as much to it as someone else may want, to me, the more simple something is, the more it fascinates me, something more classy/fancy doesn't intrigue me as much as they should. I also really like the colours used for them, I don't really take a liking to the reddish colour in the top card, it's kind of ugly, but other than that the rest are nice. They're not too bright that they would hurt your eyes and they're not too dark that you would have to strain your eyes so much just to read what is on the card. The colours make some words stand out with the dark background and lighter colours in the front for the words. 
Design Principles
The images I used are great examples for contrast because you see how the yellow umbrella stands out from the rest and how the ocean and the tall, luscious tree are different from the dry desert area and the dead tree. Contrast makes something stand out from the rest of the design.
The grouping images I used are nice because you can see how grouping things together can create an image or how grouping things tell people different things are in a group.
Balance is used to create organization in a design. Sometimes, asymmetrical balance keeps the viewer's attention held for longer though.
These pictures are good examples of alignment because it shows you how alignment makes things organized. Alignment makes things look nice and organized.
These images are perfect examples of proportion, it shows how things differentiate in size. Proportion is the size of things in a design.
White Space
These examples of white space show how white space is needed to create an image/message. White space is the empty space in a design.
These pictures show repetition well because it repeats, repetition is when something is repeatedly used over and over.
These pictures show how colours are used to make something look pretty. Colours can also be used to make you feel a certain way, like how red can make you feel angry.
These pictures are nice examples of typography because it shows how typography can even be used to make an image. Typography is used to send a message visually instead of verbally, sort of like an email or text message.
Grad Announcement Card
Grad Announcement Finished
All I did was make a few rectangles and added some text and colour, it wasn't hard or anything except for the fact that I didn't know how to design it at first but then I had a few ideas. Some aspects ended up not looking as good as I thought they would so I removed them and ended up with a more simple design than I originally thought of. There is no picture because I'm really self conscious of myself and I don't really like having pictures of myself online for anyone to see.
Black and white photo restoration
What I did to accomplish this was I found an old black and white damaged photo on google, then I put it on photoshop and then I began to use different tools to clean it up. Afterwards, I started to colour it in by adding different layers for different parts like the sky, her hair, her shoes, the grass, etc. I liked this activity because it seemed really cool and it was fun imagining what the colours in the photo were supposed to be and instead adding different colours that I thought would fit well together. It wasn't very hard to do either, even someone with little to no computer skill could make this happen. 
Forced Perspective
This was done by standing a little behind the tree and to the side. Then, someone else held my hood up and the picture was taken. Afterwards, the photo was put into photoshop and the other person holding my hood up was photoshopped out so it would give the effect I was hanging off the tree. This was sort of hard because the angle had to be just right to give the illusion of me hanging off the tree and I had to keep my balance.
Miniature Effect
What I did here was I took an image of myself, then I put it into photoshop and followed the steps on how to create the miniature effect which gives the effect that the focused object is a model of what it really is supposed to be. I didn't really find this challenging nor was it very fun as it was very simple and straightforward.
One object different views
I used my key as the focus and I took 12 different pictures at different angles/views/perspectives and then I put them all together side by side on indesign. It was sort of hard because I didn't really know how I could angle it so it would be different than how someone else might do it. I have no idea how I could have angled these pictures differently to make it seem as if it wasn't the key in the pictures and yet if you put them together they would feel like they would fit perfectly.
This was a pretty simple task, all I had to do was find some nice pictures online and then select the parts I wanted to keep coloured, inverse the selection and then put the saturation to 0 so everything else would become black and white except for the things I selected before.

