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BBC iPlayer - Tablet & Mobile Devices (concept)

App Design
BBC iPlayer - Tablet & Mobile Devices (concept)

Role: Lead Design
Date: September 2011
This concept work captures the thinking at the time for the TV+iPlayer product across mobile and tablet devices.  Its aim is to distil over arching concepts into visual & interaction explorations.  This work denotes intention and is based on robust principles to inform and generate discussion.
During the development of the project, a clear distinction was drawn between to two orientations available and their modes of use. Landscape leant itself to a lean back full screen experience and leisurely browsing. Whereas portrait becomes more suited to a task based experiences, where a greater level of detail is required.
Our observations indicated that users gain no benefit from having the option of doing tasks in either orientation so we designated certain tasks based on their nature to one orientation only. Although the assigned orientation per task differs across mobile and tablet due to natural use of each device, the overarching principle is maintained to not duplicate functions across both orientations.
Another important note, although the following pages show designs in apple hardware, these designs answer the brief according to generic tablet and mobile devices. Native functions and software tools have been avoided for this purpose, with idea that this software could be used for any smart phone or tablet computer.
Home Streams

The Stream, made up of items that can be collections, single or stacked programme items, and promos navigates left to right (iPad), up to down (iPhone) using swipe gesture.

Brand Stream

The brand stream behaves like any other stream except for that it focuses on one programme brand only.
The next and latest episodes always default to the front of the stream.

Playback & EMP experience
For filling the dual consumption of both video and supporting content as outlined at the start of this section this is a really valuable addition to the iPlayer experience when using an ipad. 
Accessed during playback by rotating the device into its portrait position, the seamless video playback is not interrupted just reduced in size to make way for additional extras the audience may want. This screen only focuses on the idea of ‘what’s happening now’ whether this is just within the current scene of the programme or socially within the online space.
BBC iPlayer - Tablet & Mobile Devices (concept)

BBC iPlayer - Tablet & Mobile Devices (concept)

This concept work captures the thinking at the time for the TV+iPlayer product across mobile and tablet devices. Its aim is to distil over archin Read More
