My first proper piece of work using a stylus (Pencil) 2016. Until then I was still using a mouse to draw and create textures.
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
A vampire bat (2017)
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
The Bride Of Frankenstein.
(TL 2016)
I am a big fan of Universal Monsters movies and have been since I first saw the Frankenstein movies when I was a kid.
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
Pet Portrait work - Commisioned (2017)
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
Pet Portrait work - Commisioned (2018)
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
Commissioned Pet Portrait work - Collie Dog
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
Frankenstein's Creature from the movie Son Of Frankenstein.
Created on iPad Pro using Pencil with Procreate software.
Digital Art

Digital Art

Digital Artwork
