The Client
Agentia 9 - The agency wanted to rebrand itself into something new, and it chose the name "Agentia 9" which literally means "The New Agency".

The Objective
Create a visual identity which shows that even though Romania doesn't have the communist regime anymore, there are still marks left from our past.

The Solution
In the past, children in school we honored to be as "Soimii Patriei" (Homeland Hawks). In these days, the romanian people, especially the younger crowd are heavily influenced by the american culture. So we came with an eagle which is the american symbol that the younger crowd could aspire to.

An earlier version
One of the first versions of the eagle, resembled too much with the CFR logo (Căile Ferate Române, which is the state railway carrier of Romania) so we had to go back to square one.

The Winner
In the end, we had a final version of the eagle.

The Website Design

Agentia 9


Agentia 9

Interesting visual identity


Creative Fields