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Art Direction: Modville, a Modern Vaudeville Show

Modville was an original modern Vaudeville show  created by Casey Scoggins. We both co-produced the show. I was lucky enough to do some directing, Art Direction, and a touch of choreography.
The initial design was both clean and rustic. Clean lines, modern lettering, a bit of flare, and all with a crumbling finish. We landed on the design with the ticket and called it another home run for Wes Harbison.
The flyer used our minimalist design for the logo, with a short and sweet info blurb. The ad attracted indie musicians, first-timers, swing dancers, loop-pedal artists, a unicycle, stand up, and A LIVE ANIMAL! Which was my cat. 

This design works because it emphasizes the high-contrast concept of the event. The design on the left is less obstructed. So that first one was our winner.
Art Direction: Modville, a Modern Vaudeville Show


Art Direction: Modville, a Modern Vaudeville Show

Art direction for original show based on the classic act of Vaudeville.
