Leigh White's profile

2nd Story Goods Haiti | Content Creation

2nd Story Goods is a small business located in Gonaives, Haiti. The business provides living wages and professional growth opportunities to local artisans, in exchange for hand-crafted work. 
Goal: Increase customer engagement and online sales through Instagram, while promoting the products and stories of 2nd Story Goods. Online sales increased during my tenure of this internship.  
Target Market: Mostly women, and Americans who live in the United States who have connections to Haiti. These women are passionate about purchasing products that benefit local artisans and give back to the community, and make roughly $50,000 - $140,000 for their annual household income.  
Art Directors: Kathy Brooks, Tori Mead
2nd Story Goods Haiti | Content Creation

2nd Story Goods Haiti | Content Creation

Social media and photography content for business in Haiti.
