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360 Reasons You Should Be in Newcastle

Using the world’s latest 3D 360 VR tech, we asked people to pop on a headset and take a look around eight amazing locations and name where in the world they were.
The twist being that they were all in one incredible city. Newcastle. 

A video of the first activation was turned into a piece of online content which extended the reach of the campaign across the globe, ensuring thousands of people became brand ambassadors. By giving Newcastle expats not only a reminder that they too should become ‘returners’ but also giving them a way of sharing the virtues of Newcastle and their affinity with this amazing city across social platforms.

The stunt scored the top gong, winning 'Best Outdoor' of the week in 2017 on Best Ads.  
360 Reasons You Should Be in Newcastle

360 Reasons You Should Be in Newcastle

A surprising 360 film revealing the unexpected wonders of Newcastle, Australia.
