The women's ministry at Living Waters Chapel was looking to brand their series of women's retreats. It was to represent a ministry for women from 16+ and be a place to promote bridges between ages, ministries and a time of fun. The name Refresh connects with the refreshment water brings and the name of the chapel. Refresh also represents renewal, rejuvenation and reconnection. They were looking for something using a readable script font. It would be used for signage, invitations and advertisements for related events.
This year, they were looking for simple branding for their spring retreat - Flourish. This event would encourage women to flourish in their life and relationships with others and God. They planned to decorate the conference with an abundance of flowers and were looking for a logo that incorporated that and a trendy script font  Created in Illustrator as vector art, this logo is fully scalable to any size needed for signage, invitations and advertisements for the event.
Pro Bono logo work

Pro Bono logo work

The women's ministry at Living Waters Chapel was looking to brand their series of women's retreats. It was to represent a ministry for women from Read More
