This is a photoset of black and white 35mm film photos that I shot, developed, and printed for a project I made exploring the balance between feminine and masculine energy. This project features different subjects, of both male and female gender identities, physically expressing their own interpretations of what it means to channel the inherent femininity and masculinity (that I feel every person possesses regardless of gender). I wanted the process of shooting to be as organic as possible, and gave very little direction as to how each person should pose facially or bodily so that it would remain authentic to their own personal expressions of this balance (or lack thereof). I, also, wanted this photo series to encourage more open conversation about how we, as a society, perceive these energies, especially in relation to hyper-masculinity and patriarchy, and ultimately shift our perspectives away from the stereotypical genders and behaviors we associated with each.
energy balance

energy balance

a black+white analog photo project exploring physical representations of each subject's personal expression of the balance between feminine and m Read More
