I was given a brief called 'speculative futures' which asked to speculate what the future may be like and design something related to this. I speculated that in the future humans are able to pause time. I decided to design an app that allowed you to 'pause' time in order to complete work. This idea was inspired by wishing I had more time to complete briefs and meet deadlines! 
This is the logo. The gradient spheres are inspired by bubbles (because when you pause in the app you pause inside a 'bubble') and the colour scheme is taken from the iridescence of a bubble. The U in the word pause is sliced in half to appear more similar too a pause button.
Above is the app icon design. It has the signature 'U' and gradient of colours.
These are the fonts used within the app: code light and code bold and for the main body of text I used Verdana.
These are the final app designs. Above is the start up page and the home page. Below is a video walkthrough of the app being used as if a new person was signing up to showcase all the pages designed. All pages designed are also available to look at below.
These are some teaser posters I designed promoting the app using the bubble visuals and colours with the logo.



App design of a futuristic app that allows you to pause time.
