Proposed truck design for Daiso Japan. Our brief for this one was a truck design that is unique and embodies Daiso.

Daiso’s philosophy in not boring the customers is to make every store different from each other. From the design, layout and colors used. No two Daiso stores are the same. 

It was a bit hard when this premise was considered but I thought that it can also be used to an advantage. Daiso is mostly pink or red but other stores also use orange peel, deep sky blue and green. I decided to use these colours to symbolise Daiso and its different approach to designing its stores. It also matches the new logo they released for Singapore which is a tree with 4 cubes serving as its leaves donning these colours. 

I used the koi kites (koinobori in Japanese) because it represents luck, strength and the determination to overcome its obstacles. Kois are known for swimming upstream which is also what Daiso did. It went against the flow by selling everything for 100 yen in Japan and ultimately prevailing.

Visually speaking the Koi kites would seem like it is flying and flowing with the wind as the truck is moving. With the eye catching colours and the seemingly flying fishes, it will surely make people take a second look as it passes by and be reminded of Daiso's unique way of approaching things.
Koi Truck