Another of one of my many University projects, Urban and Rural which was interesting to say the least as it expanded my understanding of what can be considered a landscape image. I was given a location at random and had to base my work around that location, which I was given a housing estate roughly 15 minutes away from the Manchester City Football Stadium. At first, I was struggling with an idea towards what I could produce as the area was a rather mundane housing estate with no immediate area of interest but I started to really think about my approach which led to many hours of experimenting.

The 6 final images are all double exposure using my own images and screen grabs from Google Street view, as researching the are revealed that the housing was all recent development so I made that my focal point and made 6 collages consisting of before, during and after the building and development process. I made the images with Black and White as I wanted to portray the mundane nature of the area, this project was a lot of fun and something that I enjoyed, I hope you enjoy the images! 
Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural
