I always thought that it'd be a great amount of fun to be much smaller than I actually am. To the point where I could climb on my Christmas tree. I do have to say that climbing all the way up was difficult, but the view made it worthwhile. 

All jokes aside, this project was quite fun. My favorite part was actually taking all the photos to use in this. My dog, Meadow, had fun taking some too. Although this was a really fun project to do, I did have some trouble making it look realistic. That's something I still struggle with and want to get better at. Because of the lack of realism, I'd rate this project a 6/10. 

The tools I used included, quick selection tool, brush, hues and adjustment layers, filters, magnetic lasso, lasso tool, layer masks, and curve adjustment layers. 

From this project I learned that I should take some time and master the effect of realism. I think that I lack the ability of creating realistic looking outcomes, simply because I like to focus on outlandish things. I love to create out of the ordinary and just really bizarre creatures and scenery. 
Christmas Mayhem

Christmas Mayhem
