Henry Pham's profile

FPT Play (Internet TV)


Users are usually young and have smartphone, which will be used to watch TV, films and short video TV shows.  

Business Needs

FPT is the biggest software company in Vietnam with hundreds software products and 28.000+ employees. FPT needs to develop one free mobile app to help the users to search, watch high quality films or stream TV shows from FPT streaming servers. Users can choose favorite channels, follow and get notifications.  

The UX Approach

I joined to this project as UX Consultant. I have worked with development team to build surveys to many layers of target users. We need to verify which channels they need, which channels they will watch everyday and which they will ready to pay money. Then we defined one short User Journey Map, thus specified target users and their characteristic. 

Thus, we also researched many alternative and competitor products, for example, Youtube, ZingTV, TVOD, Netflix... Accordingly, we collected a big features list and many experiences from them. 

We applied the standard UX process then to design the mobile app. The design language is Google Material Design.

Results & benefits

There are more than one million users downloading and using this mobile app to watch TV-show and films everyday.

FPT Play (Internet TV)

FPT Play (Internet TV)


Creative Fields