Furthermore, two of the major pillars in the circle of life are logically guidance and orientation. For instance, without cardinal directions, most people wouldn’t know how to orient themselves in certain serious life situations. North, East, South & West, are all situated in a compas with points between the cardinal directions just to teach you how to direct yourself in the right way and to explore different atmospheres, even outside your environment. 

In addition to that, It is known by fact that the north is associated to the color white which signifies peace. East is associated to yellow, a fresh color full of optimism, joy and enlightenment. The south is associated to red which is a powerful color synonymous to passion. Lastly, West which is associated to the color of mystery and the unknown, black. 

To conclude, there are countless aspects to a circle’s definition and beauty which varies from one person to another. After all, as humans, we might all look the same but we don’t think or perceive things the same way.
Abstract Circles

Abstract Circles

Abstract Circles different way to represent a cercle of life Everyone is familiar with one the most common of shapes in the world: a circle. The Read More
