Ennio Manto's profile

Car Loans and Bad Credit

From 2010 to 2014, Ennio Manto served as the president of Boston’s Automotive Finance Solutions. In this role, Ennio Manto helped clients finance their used vehicles, with a focus on individuals dealing with bad credit. 

When you have bad credit, it can be difficult to get a loan, whether for a car or anything else. Often when you do get a loan, the interest rates are higher and the loans are smaller, which can limit the type of car you can get. There are, however, a couple of things you can do to improve your chances of getting a good loan:

- Plan Ahead: Give yourself time to save up for a larger down payment, which can help to reduce negative loan terms. Check your credit score, and see if there’s anything you can do to improve it before approaching anyone for a loan. 

- Do Your Research: Reduce the impact of your loan by finding the right car at a manageable price. Look into less-expensive vehicles that are reliable and have the features you want. 

- Speak to a Specialist: There are many companies that specialize in helping people with poor credit to get car loans with favorable terms. These companies may be able to offer experienced advice tailored to your situation.
Car Loans and Bad Credit

Car Loans and Bad Credit
