The assignment

As part of my education, I had the opportunity to go to Madrid as an exchange student for 2 weeks at the European university of Madrid. We were put in groups with spanish graphic designer students.

Our assignment at the school was to produce 3 posters and a flyer to tourists as well as to the locals to get them to be more involved in the city of Madrid and make them aware of what this grand city can offer. 
The 3 posters had to represent 3 different things:
1. Leissure
2. Culture
3. Hybrid between culture and leissure

The process

We started immediately to brainstorm about how we perceive the city of Madrid. Us from Denmark quickly agreed that Madrid has a quite moderne feel to it and that gastronomy has a huge influence in the city. The spanish students perceive Madrid to be more old school. We discussed about how we can combine the two perspectives into our design.

At the very start we wanted our 3 posters to have a graphic design that would connect all 3 of them and made 1 big image if set next to each other, but we also wanted them to function individually.
Our first idea was to have pictures in black/white and have a part of the picture to be highlighted. We was not fully satisfied and we started playing around with different effects, but it was first when we were companied by an international student from Cphbusiness. He suggested that we made some of the picture in "drawn effect" and let the rest of the picture be in black/white.

