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Poster Campaign Design | Gender Stereotypes

Social Issue Poster Campaign
Goal: Create a series of three posters pertaining to the social issue discrimination.

Process: I wanted to focus on gender stereotypes and how they can affect children. I had read a book called "Meeting at the Crossroads" that follows the psychological journey of girls from childhood through adolescence and how they internalize the words and expectations of the adults in their lives, especially words that are used repeatedly in association with the children, such as "be nice." These girls would silence themselves and their peers because of the internalizing the social expectations. For boys this process happens at a slightly younger age with different words. I wanted to include both genders, as gender stereotypes affect each.

Solution: My final posters are the words used to create and form gender stereotypes in the form of shadowy monsters that the adults (parents) are fighting against by shielding their daughter and/or son.
(above) These are the first sketches I had after brainstorming and doing thumbnail sketches.

(below) These are the digital roughs and iterative process.
Poster Campaign Design | Gender Stereotypes

Poster Campaign Design | Gender Stereotypes

This was a project done for class, where we had to choose a social issue pertaining to discrimination and create a series of 3 posters for that t Read More
