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Six Nations Rugby Promos 2011

Six Nations Rugby - Week 1 Italy

Ah the Six Nations is back with our opening match against the Italians. Everyone's getting excited and it's all about to kick off for another year...

Music - 1901 by Phoenix
Six Nations Rugby - Week 2 France

France v Ireland, February 13th 2011. Off we go to meet our old french foes once again, the biggest match of the tournament so far.

Seeing as how the following day was Valentines it seemed only fair to play up the date, but the kind of one with much shouting & throwing of wine, a good auld lovers tiff all courtesy of a rugby game.

So with little nod to Memento, off go our Irish/French couple. Ah l'amour..

(Kudos to our editor, this was a headwreck to edit with a timeline that goes forwards and backwards as well as the footage that plays in reverse and regular speed. Does this go before or after that clip?? aaaa)

Music - Comic Strip by Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot
Six Nation Rugby - Week 3 Scotland

A bit of background - The match versus Scotland took place on Sunday 27th of Feb, the day after a bitter general election following the crash of the Celtic Tiger.

There had been non-stop coverage of the election for the past fortnight and on Friday the 25th the public had voted. Saturday was the election results day, Suday it was all over and we could watch the rugby. Safe to say we were sick of elections.

We roped in Miriam O'Callaghan, RTÉ's top current affairs reporter, to do a faux news report Day to Day/Brass Eye style, in the Primetime set complete with modified Election 2011 graphics and comedian Paddy Courtney.
This teaser played before the rugby opening sequence so all those fans tuning into watch the game got to see what could only have been a mistake, more bloody election coverage???
Six Nations Rugby - Week 4 Wales

Midway thru the 6 Nations and Ireland are 2 wins and a loss. With the Grand Slam lost some eyes turn to the World Cup later in the year.

(Our teaser proves a little too prophetic as the Welsh beat us 19 -13)

Music - Black Car by Ladytron
Six Nation Rugby - Week 5 England

Last match of the championship and the English are coming..

The auld Enemy has a grand slam in his sights and we are the last one's standing in the way. Not like the green jersey needs any encouragement against the the old foe but we stoke it up a little anyways as we prepare for battle on the last day.

(Our rousing teaser obviously helped as we stop them dead in their tracks 28 - 8. Obviously...)

Many thanks to staff at the Irish National Heritage Park, Wexford.

Music - The Tree of Life by Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet & Mogwai from The Fountain OST
Six Nations Rugby Promos 2011

Six Nations Rugby Promos 2011

A series of promos for the Six Nations created for RTÉ Sport. Co-written with my producer Wesley Liddy, I directed these 5 promos which aired b Read More
