(a howl away)

Great gap,

give me a leap of faith,
so i can reach beyond the physical,

give me a rope
from which to pull the skeleton of strength out of its closet,

give me nurtured grief,
so I can bargain with the fates more selflessly.

Soon there will be no air left to choke on;
we breathe in smoke & breathe out broken mirrors,
secretly praying for gravity to dismiss our ligatures,

our cowardice caught up behind our backs.

We just can't keep making judgements without faith in kindness' reach.
This boat sinked before we even left,
and we're the bubbles surfacing from its crevices -
each one with a story grasping for a docking skin before the great collapse into the ocean,
forgetting we're closer to home than ever.
(a howl away)

(a howl away)

excerpt from 'Liminal Debris: a collection of poems, photographs and other splinters'
