The Case
As part of my education, i went to Madrid to do a project with a couple of Spanish graphic design university students.

The project involved making 3 posters and a flyer for tourists as well as locals to get more involved in Madrid, a huge city with many hidden gems.
The 3 posters each had to represent something different, a poster involving leisure, another involving culture and the last a hybrid of them both. All the posters had to have some kind of map, and it was up to ourselves to inteprete what kind of maps.
The Process
We started by discussing what Madrid meant to us, the Danish students quickly agreed that Madrid was kind of modern, and involved lots of great gastronomy. The Spanish however, considered Madrid more old, so we discussed a way to combine them both.
The answer was Concept Stores. A kind of store that sells, art, both modern and old and most of these stores also sells food and other stuff. Bascially combining two concepts.

The next thing we did was making our slogan, we used the movie Eat, Pray, Love as inspiration, and also decided that our posters should be like a movie poster.
We also thought it would be a cool way to combine modern with old by making part of our poster a drawing.
Lastly, we decided to evolve our slogan a bit further by adding "In A New Way", as we felt it might be a better way to digest the combined concepts. It was also made quite litteral in our flyer which upon opening has a door that you open up in order to see our posters.

Another idea was that each poster should be able to work on their own, AND as a combined poster. A great way to do this, was by adding the lines on the posters which could both be combined or left alone.

After figuring out what our posters should be about, and how they should look, we went out in Madrid, more specificially Tribunal to discover places for inspiration. We spent the entire day in Tribunal, and came home with a lot of flyers for stores. We went through all these stores, and sorted them from best to worst in each category (eat, pray, love) and decided that the 5 best should be on each poster.

Typography and colours
We quickly agreed that our poster involving Love should be red, so with that in mind. we started testing different colours that went well with red. In the end we ended up with yellow, and a combination of both colours, orange.

Yellow Hex: #f9d72f
Orange Hex: #f8923d
Red: #e73c22

All images was made black and white with the photoshop adjustment tool: Black & White

The typography is the very popular google font "Raleway".

The drawings in the middle of the posters are made by hand.


