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Prison Museum - Exhibition

The first state prison in Denmark build according to the modern penal code. In function from 1853-2006. In 2012 the closed buildings and  reopened as...
...Prison Museum, Museum Horsens, Denmark. With an exhibition covering 4000 m2, 4 floors, 153 years and a multiple variation of interiors.
Developed and made by Museum Horsens in collaboration with Kvorning Design and Wonderland Interactive.
Supported by the Municipality of Horsens.
 (Until 2006) PRISON...
 ...MUSEUM  (from 2012)
 With minimum of scenography and emphasis on authenticity interiors from different phases have been restored.
Above a cell from the 1930'ies.
 ...and from 2006.
All furniture and all smaller items are part of the Prison Museum Collection and included in the national register "Danish Museums Online".
 Not only cells are open to the public. Here for instance the nurses office...
 ...And a self serving kitchen for 22 prisoners. Many of the interiors are furnished with items form the Prison Museum Collection, but there are also examples like....
...hallways that are time wrapped in 2006 when the prison closed. All furniture are authentic - but not part of the Prison Museum Collection. Thus the chairs can be used, as well as the ping pong table.
 Original cupboards are used as showcases, either in their original setting...
 ...or moved to  "showcase-rooms", where different themes are presented without disturbing the prisons atmosphere in the hallways.
Text are limited to brief notes made as stickers in the shape of index cards.
Quotations are frequently used - both on the index cards as well as large graffiti printed directly on the walls: "My world is a tiny whitewashed cell" (Prisoner S11, 1935).
 Prisoner S11.
"Welcome to the ***hole of the world" (Unknown prisoner, 2004).
The quotes are from prisoners and guards alike. Some we have found in books, letters and reports.
Others - like the one above - have been copied directly from...
...walls, draws, doors, and - as in this case - from a pin wall.
 In the hallways videos  help telling the complex history of the prison. In "Gammel Celle" a 3D model show the buildinghistory. All videos are also part of the virtual prison experience
Guided tours are an important part of the museums education strategy. All guides are recruited from the academic staff at Museum Horsens and new information and research are immediately communicated to museumguests.
Only in a few and carefully selected sections the authentic feel is surpassed by a evocative scenography - above: the last execution in Denmark which took place in 1892 (wartime not included).
And here an exhibition telling the story of Prisoner no. 75 a former Minister of Justice.
Museum showcases, strategic lightning as well as texts which play an important part of both the design and the strategy of communication.
In a cell Peter Adler Alberti Minister of Justice(1901-1908) and Prisoner (1910-1912) played by actor Kim Bodnia sits, walks and talks - all as a full size Peppers Ghost.
And a few interiors need absolutely no scenography or communication.
The Prison Church with it's dense atmosphere and aesthetics in sharp contrast to the rest of the prison explains itself.
And for the visitor who wants details offers a virtual church with pictures, texts, music, access to the Prison Museum Collection as well as videos of for instance a sermon.
The museum experience can thus be extended and hopefully intrigue the visitor to return.
Prison Museum - Exhibition

Prison Museum - Exhibition

Prison Museum, Museum Horsens, Denmark. The first prison in Denmark (1853 2006). From 2012 a museum with emphasis on authenticity and a understat Read More
