"Alter Ego"
An alter ego is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality. A person who has an alter ego is said to lead a double life.

Not that I choose to be alone. It was my fate which I had to overcome, and I started searching for a friend....

Finally the first [Friend]. Found my alter ego, my own self revealed to me that I am not alone in the world by turning out (beyond hope) to share all my most secret delights. There was nothing to be overcome in making him my friend......

But this Friend is the man who disagrees with you about everything. He is not so much the alter ego as the antiself. Of course he shares your interests; otherwise he would not become your friend at all. But he has approached them all at a different angle- The other I
This might not be real; more so a reflection at most.I became a slave of my own thoughts......
This is one among my favorite picture in this series. This picture is so personal and a clear representation of how I imagine things...

I wanted to be free, and I was convinced by nothing but death.....

To the vast emptiness of unknown. So brief is this state(Death). This is real... (end). I often think of death and what comes there after. Most of my series ends with death, and this time I managed to portray it exactly the way I wanted and this image is one among my favorite.
Alter Ego


Alter Ego

"Alter Ego" An alter ego is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality. A person who has an a Read More
