LIMBO - Storie che non stanno né in cielo né in terra

Limbo raccoglie dodici storie brevi surreali, oniriche e grottesche. Storie tese, avvolte da un costante senso di sospensione, scritte e disegnate tra un attacco d’ansia e l’altro, riflettono una visione dell’esistenza tragicomica e avvolta da un continuo senso di sospensione. Nessuna certezza o verità a cui aggrapparsi per i protagonisti dei racconti, che si ritrovano bloccati in situazioni irrisolvibili e paradossali: personaggi in cerca d’autore e in attesa di qualcosa che non accade (quasi) mai.

Limbo collects twelve short, surreal, dreamy and grotesque stories. Tense stories, wrapped in a constant sense of suspense, written and drawn between an anxiety attack and the other, reflect a vision of tragicomic existence and wrapped in a continuous sense of suspense. There is no certainty or truth to cling for the characters of the stories that find themselves stuck in unsolvable and paradoxical situations: characters looking for author and waiting for something that never happens (almost).

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(storia completa)
Jesus Christ had returned to earth. Many were anxiously awaiting for His miracle, a speech to the peoples of the earth, or even just a good deed from which to take an example. But the Messiah seemed unwilling to make any gesture. He wandered among the people, aloof, without saying a word. It didn't look like He was even bothered, He was simply absent, indifferent. Most of the people, despite following Him wherever He went, kept a safe distance, as if taken by wonder and uncertainty. Every now and then, some extroverted believers would show up in front of Him flooding Him with praise and prayers. He remained imperturbable and careless. Slowly kept walking His own way, almost as if He had a task, although not urgent, to be completed.
I crossed Him one night on the way home. I have already seen Him walking through the city in the previous day, but never so close. I was one of those who, for some sort of mixed skepticism, disbelief and fear, has always kept distant from Him. In that moment though, caught off-guard, so close to the Son of God, I felt like I had to go towards Him as if attracted by a mysterious force. He was getting into his car. It was strange that there was not the usual circle of faithful around Him. He was completely alone. I approached quickly. He moved very calmly but I had the feeling I had to reach Him in a hurry, with only a few minutes at my disposal. I was afraid that if I lingered too long or if I stumbled over words He would have immediately gone and I would never have a similar opportunity.
In His presence I was seized by a certain embarrassment and admiration, like when you meet a famous person. I was staring at Him in the eyes for a few instants. He emanated a kind of heavenly aura yet I had a man in flesh and bones before me. I don't remember well what I told Him. I tried to explain to Him in some ways what was tormenting me and leaving no room to my thoughts. To relieve my pain it would have taken one gesture, one word. Yes, in front of the lamb of God, instead of invoking peace in the world or prostrate me at His feet to worship him, I selfishly asked for an easy and quick solution to my personal problems. He stood still without saying a word, or give a hint of a comforting smile, He gave me a collection of jokes. Then He got in the car, closed the door and left. I did not have the time to tell Him that I had already read it years ago.
LIMBO comic book


LIMBO comic book
