Dr R Christopher Goodwin's profile

An Overview of the Fine Art of Cemetery Preservation

Dr. R. Christopher Goodwin’s decades of experience in land and underwater archaeology have lead to numerous government agencies and major corporations hiring his firm to assist in identifying and appropriately preserving important sites, monuments and artifacts before and during construction and commercial activities. The Goodwin firm's expertise extends to cemetery documentation, restoration and relocation projects across the country. Currently at work on multiple major projects nationwide, R. Christopher Goodwin, PhD, and his team of experts recently have devoted significant efforts to the preservation of Connecticut’s historic cemeteries.

The Connecticut cemetery effort aims to preserve the state’s heritage as reflected in its funerary art and historic cemetery landscapes. Dr. Goodwin's team also is preparing guidance documents on best practices for the ongoing care of significant markers and monuments.

The art of cemetery conservation is more complex than many people realize. In general, it can involve the replacement or repair of marble headstones and other monuments, as well as re-pouring foundations or resetting these monuments. And not all monuments are made from marble; our nation’s cemetery heritage includes those made from limestone, sandstone, granite, and other materials. The destruction of such markers can take place from erosion due to weather conditions, vandalism, and chemical damage.

Leveling monuments to ensure that they are all situated appropriately in relation to one another is another major task, along with the determination of appropriate cleaning and stabilization agents, so that well-meaning efforts at preservation do not inadvertently cause further damage to older monuments.
An Overview of the Fine Art of Cemetery Preservation

An Overview of the Fine Art of Cemetery Preservation
