Irene Caviglia's profile

Taskly _Task management app

Taskly is a simple Task Management helping you in your everyday life both you have to manage a big project with your colleagues or simply to help you with your groceries!

For creating the UX of Taskly I followed a 3-phase approach:
Discover for understanding opportunities and seeking solutions, for defining product requirements.
Define what I've learned from the discovery phase, to transform in a first design the informations I've got.
Develop the final product and do some more user testing to output a great product,

The first step of Discovery was about doing research in order to understand what a Task Management app need. I've created a Project Brief, made Stakeholder Interviews, did a Competitor Analysis and got other informations would allow me to start define the app to deliver. Moreover I've created User Personas to understand better the aim of my app.

In the Define step I've created Flows and Storyboards to show all the process I want to include in Taskly. I defined the main features and finally created a Site Architecture and a Map. For this step I used a lot paper and pencil to deliver a lot of sketches before the final versions.

For the Develop stage I've created wireframes. Lot of wireframes always more precise to arrive at the final version that I've tested again to final users with other tools like A/B and Click testing.

Here's what the result of all this process, always with space for improvement and updates.
Here's Taskly.

The competitor analysis is a powerful tool in order to understand and discover the opportunities not used in the market that can lead a great results. So before starting the “design” part I conducted this analysis on competition profiles including: marketing strategy, UX/UI aspects, design and quality performance, core business.

Once i researched on competitors was time to focus on the potential future users of my app, I conducted interviews by web and face to face to determine what would be useful for Taskly and what people are missing now talking about Task Management App.

The study of all of that lead me to create user personas: an useful methods to understand better for who I will design the app.



The first step for the creation of the design of the app was starting to sketch on paper the first prototypes. I design all the cores features of Taskly. Here's the flow for creating a new list.

Second step in the creation of the design was to convert the paper prototypes in digital version. So here some example of digital wireframes without the colors or the fonts. We can say we finally arrive to create the skeleton structure for my app. Here's the flow for creating a new list.

I did an A/B test to check which kind of design style people would enjoy more. I propose a screen in Material design style and one in Flat. People seemed to enjoy more the Flat style that was my first idea in the design of Taskly.
For the click test i wanted to check if the potential users would understand the actions from the Dashboard of the app, Thanks to the feedback I discover that not everything was so clear and so I redesign the screen with some details more in order to make it more understandable at first glance.
Here's all the elements I've created fo Taskly, including typography, colors palette and elements created in specific for my app.
Here's the final design for the  flow of creating a new list.
Taskly _Task management app

Taskly _Task management app

Taskly is my final project fr the UX course I've taken in the Career Foundry School
