Ahmed Hamdy's profile

The Bluebird - Social Media Campaign

I was responsible for Content Editing, Analyzing and Promoting this campaign in TEDxZagazigUniversity as a Media & Promotions team leader
and down there you will find some of my contributions in this campaign

الحزن هو قلاعُ مهجورة يسكنها الخراب والأطياف، ورغم هذا طاب لنا المقام فيها إقامةً لا حياد عنها، فشكلت مملكة تأوهات لا ينتهي نحيبها...
والسعاده هي هدية الحياة وكنزها الغالي وطائرها الأزرق الذي ينسينا ذاك الحزن ولكنه سجين الخوف.

الطائر الأزرق الذي يمثل السعادة و الجمال في حياتك، هو يمثل جانباً منك، جانباً جميلاً من وجهة نظرك يصعب إظهاره في هذا المجتمع الذي لا يعترف بهذا الجانب لأنه قد يشكل شكلاً من أشكال الضعف في نظر هذا المجتمع.

عقلك يحكمه قيد مارآه من قبل وهو أن السعاده تكون في أماكن وطقوس معينه ليس إلا ولكننا الوسيلة والطريقة لمعرفة معنى السعاده الحقيقي وطريقة الوصول لها والإيمان بها لتحرير طائرك الأزرق أو إكتشافه.
نحن الرحلة التي ستتعرف فيها على ماهية السعاده الحقيقه وما مفهومها الفلسفي وما إذا كنت سعيداً أم حزيناً وما الموانع التي تحول دون سعادتك وماهي آلية السعادة وكيفية التحكم فيها.
ستتعرف فيها على العدو الأخطر الذي يهدد طريقنا ألا وهو الإكتئاب وماهي أسبابه وأعراضه و كيفية التعامل معه.
ثم اخيراً ستتعرف على بعض أنماط الحياة الصحية و الطرق التي بإتباعها ربما يحرر كل منا طائره الأزرق.

فالطائر الأزرق فكره والأفكار لا تموت ابداً
فكرة قد تملكها ولكنك لا تؤمن بها وتخاف منها، وإيمانك بالفكره هو الحل الذي سيجعل منها حقيقه.. حتى يتحرر طائرك الأزرق من قفصه المظلم.

لينك التسجيل: https://goo.gl/LJZx7T

There's a bluebird in your heart that wants to get out
but you are too tough for him,
you say, stay in there, I'm not going to let anybody see you.
and no one never knows that he's in there.

There's a bluebird in your heart that wants to get out
but you are too tough for him,
?you say, stay down, do you want to mess me up
?you want to screw up the works

There's a bluebird in your heart that wants to get out
but you are too clever, you only let him out at night sometimes when everybody's asleep.
you say, I know that you're there, so don't be sad.
then you put him back,
but he's singing a little in there, you haven't quite let him die and you sleep together like that with your secret pact and it's nice enough to make someone weep.

The blue bird represents a side of you, a side that is beautiful and good but in this harsh world you are not allowed to show this side of yourself as it considered as a weakness, so you keeps your bluebird hidden, but you also wants to keep this part of yourself alive because without it you are something less in your own eyes.

?Your reaction is out of proportion to the trigger
Doubting your abilities, second-guessing your past decisions, ?thinking things would never get better
?wanting to go to sleep and not getting up again

That's alright, It happens.
But being miserable does not exclude us from the human community.
It’s a sure sign that we are very normal.

Our target is rather the times when we feel moods of ‘quiet desperation’ in which beneath an outward surface of endurance, we feel exhausted, close to tears
We’re not here to be Mr or Mrs Bright Side, we're not here to tell you how to get over it and enjoy the little things ...

this bird is a mixture, you can't analyse maybe, but trust us!
we are the only way to know what happiness really is and its philosophical concept, what are the obstacles that prevent your happiness, what is the mechanism of happiness and how to control it.
You will get to know the most dangerous enemy that threatens our way which called depression and what is the causes and symptoms for it and how to deal with it.
And finally you will learn about some healthy lifestyles and the ways in which you can free out your blue bird.

TEDxZagazigUniversitySalon is preparing an original one of a kind salon, that you can attend, and your heart will go away, searching for happiness
don't miss it and join us now.

Application Link: https://goo.gl/LJZx7T
?What's TED
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together creative thinking people and it refers to three words: Technology, Entertainment, and Design.

?What is TEDx
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx - local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.
At a TEDx event, TED Talks videos and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.
These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

What is TEDx Salon event ?
TEDx Salon events are often small weekly or monthly events that keeps a TEDx community engaged between regular TEDx events. It’s a unique kind of gathering that TEDx organizers hold which allows the conversation to continue, in person.
About this event type

At a TEDx salon, attendees watch TED Talks, sometimes host a few speakers (though it’s not required) and have informal discussions about the talks they witnessed.
Salons re-engage the community during the time between your official TEDx events, and spark discussion on issues of interest to your local community.

Three reasons why you'll love TEDx salon:

- The discussion: A critical element of salon is lively discussions, allowing attendees to actively participate in the event.
With much smaller audiences than a standard TEDx event, salons bring attendees together in more intimate spaces, and with more chances to get know and exchange ideas as with each other.
- The single subject: Having the ability to focus on
only one subject creates focused audience and atmosphere.
- Salons can happen between larger standard events, providing a regular touch point for you and
your community.
The Bluebird - Social Media Campaign

The Bluebird - Social Media Campaign

TEDxZagazigUniversitySalon | The Bluebird Campaign
