Malea Clark-Nicholson's profile

Corporate ID: Earthling Day Spa

Style guide
Front of letterhead
Back of letterhead
Front of envelope
Back of envelope
Front of business card
Back of business card
Packaging for collateral: Set of informational massage technique cards & DIY eye pillow
Front & back of intro card, listing techniques and massage therapists featured
Technique cards have written instructions on one side and a visual reference on the other. They also include a tear-off business card for the therapist demonstrating the technique.
Front & back of eye pillow instruction card
Design Approach

Earthling Day Spa is a gorgeous, classy establishment filled with soothing light and the gurgle of water running over stone. The therapists and estheticians who work there are incredibly talented, and clients leave the spa with a sense of relaxation and renewal. In order to properly communicate these aspects of the business, I created a unique hand-rendered icon, as well as typography for the spa's name. The image of three leaves sprouting up from the ground conveys freshness and growth, while the script beneath is dynamic yet calm, similar to a flowing river. As the aesthetic of the business itself is elegantly minimalistic, I designed a business card, letterhead, and envelope that are simple and clean, with details of the logo to create interest. For the collateral, I produced a set of informational cards that help the clients take care of their own bodies in between massage appointments; the cards also showcase employees of Earthling, which serves to create a more personal relationship between clients and therapists.
Corporate ID: Earthling Day Spa

Corporate ID: Earthling Day Spa

Potential corporate ID for a day spa. Includes logo and style guide for its use, business card, letterhead, and set of informational cards featur Read More
