Quais & Laila

 Is a brand that offers a wide variety of shawls, clutches and ties, Based in Canada.
 The brand is inspired by the love story of Quais ibn al-Mulawwah and Laila Al-Aamiriya.

Quais was just a boy when he fell deeply in love with Laila .  He was sure of this love on the very first day he laid his eyes upon her at maktab (traditional school).  He soon began to write beautiful love poems about Layla and he would read them out loud on street corners to anybody who would care to listen.  Such passionate display of love and devotion caused many to refer to the boy as Majnun, meaning madman.

One day, Quais found the courage to ask Layla’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage, but her father refused the request.  Such a marriage, the father reasoned, would only cause a scandal.  It would not be proper for his daughter to marry a person whom everybody called a madman.  Instead, Layla was promised to another – an older man from a neighboring village.

Quais  was overcome with grief and abandoned his home and family and disappeared into the wilderness where he lived a miserable life of solitude among the wild animals.  It was in this wilderness that Quais spent his days composing poems to his beloved.

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Quais & Laila  Is a brand that offers a wide variety of shawls, clutches and ties, Based in Canada.  The brand is inspired by the love story of Q Read More
