Gilbert Cavazos's profile

CineSol 36 Hour Film Race: [Ragnarok]

This is the short film from my second  36-hour film race back in 2014. I served as Co-Writer, Co-Director, Editor, and Cinematographer. 

Durning these film races you are giving 5 elements that must appear in your movie.
These were the elements for this year.

Genre: Action/Adventure
Location: Thrift Store
Character: A Crossdresser
Item: A Hula Hoop
Dialogue: “I found a video of you.”

Best Fight Scene
Best Sound 
Best Special Effects 
Best Editing
Best Supporting Actor 
1stRunner Up
Best U18 Film
CineSol 36 Hour Film Race: [Ragnarok]

CineSol 36 Hour Film Race: [Ragnarok]

This is the short film from my second  36-hour film race back in 2014. I served as Co-Writer, Co-Director, Editor, and Cinematographer.  Durning Read More
