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Tinderpoint - Rebranding

Rebranding & Creative Direction by Pablo Benites -

When Tinderpoint started out as RingJohn in 2002, the company consisted of John working at his kitchen table. 
Fast forward a decade, and John’s solo operation had grown to 15ish people. 

Much as they love puns, RingJohn was starting to feel a bit too… John-focused. After much debate, they've settled on “Tinderpoint”.
Just as they were about to unveil the new identity to the world, an app with a novel twist on dating started making the rounds of US college campuses.

Look guys,” said John. “This will only ever become an issue if that dating app gets so big – I mean Facebook big – that it completely hijacks the word “tinder”, making it synonymous with casual dating forever.

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Tinderpoint - Rebranding

Tinderpoint - Rebranding

Tinderpoint Rebranding & Creative Direction
