Lilu Herlambang's profile

People of Cambodia, 2017.

(This collection of pictures would be updated as I go through my journey in Siem Reap, Cambodia.)
Floating Village, Tonlé Sap, Siem Reap.
July 29, 2017.
Bong's Family in their little house/shop.
One of the child sleeping on his mother's lap.
Snails and the gangs.
A family moment captured in camera.
A boy and his best friend.
The family.
Before leaving the floating village.
 © Lilu Herlambang, 2017.
Tonlé Sap is a seasonally induced fresh water lake surrounded by five provinces, inhabited by around three million people. This lake is the largest fresh water lake in South East Asia. The dimension changes around the monsoon and dry season.

It was a beautiful Saturday when me and my friend decided that we would just go down with a scooter until the end of the road. What we find in between are amazing people, cold beer and warm rice wine. 
Lilu Herlambang is a third year graphic design student in Bandung Institute of Technology, focusing in illustration and photography. She is currently doing her internship as a photographer and illustrator in Anjali House, Siem Reap, Cambodia. 
If you are interested in seeing more of her works; do check out her instagram.
People of Cambodia, 2017.

People of Cambodia, 2017.

As I am doing my internship in Cambodia, I wander around during the weekends looking for good photo materials. This thread will be updated as soo Read More
