Steven M. Darien's profile

Business Roundtable Calls upon Congress to Reauthorize

Business Roundtable Calls upon Congress to Reauthorize Ex-Im Bank

For almost 20 years, Steven M. Darien has served as the chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of The Cabot Advisory Group, LLC, located in Bridgewater, New Jersey. In this position, he provides organizations with strategic human resource management advice, including employee communication and strategic planning assistance. When not in the office, Steven M. Darien serves on several committees and boards, one of which is the Business Roundtable (BRT).

Created in 1972, the BRT has members comprised of CEOs of leading companies based in the United States. It aims to apply its members’ experiences and expertise to assist with issues facing the country. 

On March 27, 2015, the BRT CEOs announced that they called upon Congress to pass a multiyear reauthorization of the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank immediately. The chair of the BRT’s international engagement committee, Thomas Linebarger, stated that in the fiscal year of 2014, the bank provided financing for $27.5 billion worth of U.S. exports. It approved more than 3,700 transactions for companies, including more than 3,300 for small businesses. BRT encouraged Congress to think about the ability for companies to compete and win sales opportunities around the globe.
Business Roundtable Calls upon Congress to Reauthorize

Business Roundtable Calls upon Congress to Reauthorize


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