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Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek is ideal for people wanting to trek in a tranquil circumstance. Langtang region is led by Tibetan-influenced Tamang people in Langtang territory and Sherpa people in Helambu region. Along these lines, one has the chance to feel and association with Tibetan-like social orders and traditions. Langtang Valley Trek offers a variety of splendid viewpoints of Himalayan finish with thick high timberlands, different feathered animals, thundering streams and bound towns. Langtang Valley Trek is a short trekking course in which one can plan to spend around seven days in the Himalayas. Langtang trek is in like manner known among families for pleasing encounters

The trek begins from Dhunche or Syabru Bensi and finishes at Dhunche or Syabru bensi once more. From Sybru Bensi, you will take after the Langtang River toward the east until the point that you get to Kyanching Gompa (3,830m). When you touch base in Kyangjing Gompa we prescribe you to remain one additional day for the climb Tserkuri (5184m) from where you see decent perspective of the Himalayas. Langtang valley trek course have great system of teahouse hold up offices so you can organize teahouse premise trek or outdoors (tent camp) trekking as your desire. Langtang valley trek is simple trekking that implies Langtang valley trek is not all that trouble trekking where any one conceivable to make fruitful their voyage to the Himalaya. 

Langtang valley trekking itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu/Nepal/overnight at lodging

Day 02: Drive Kathmandu to Dhunche (1950m, 8-9 hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 03: Trek Dhunche to Thulo Syabru (2200m, 5 hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 04: Trek Thulo Syabru to Lama Hotel (2480m, 5-6 hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 05: Trek Lama Hotel (2480m) to Langtang Village (3900m, 5-6 hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 06: Trek Langtang Village (3541m) to Kyanjin Gompa (3900m, 3 hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 07: Exploration day – move up Tsergo Ri (5050m )/Langsisa Yak Pasture/Yala Cheese Factory (4633m)

Day 08: Trek Kyanjin Gompa (3900m) to Lama Hotel ( 2480m, 5-6hrs)/overnight at teahouse

Day 09: Trek Lama Hotel (2480m) to Syabrubesi (1610m, 6 hours)/overnight at teahouse

Day 10: Drive back Syabrubesi (1610m) to Kathmandu (9-10 hours)/exchange to inn

Day 11: Free day in Kathmandu/shopping/touring/overnight at inn

Day 12: Transfer to airplane terminal for International flight
Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Trek
