Light 2 - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 9" × 13"
Smokers - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 8.75" × 12.75"
Monday Cloud - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 8.75" × 12.75"
Cloud Hopper - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 12.75" × 8.5
Agreement - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 12" × 8.5"
Burning Off of the Weekend Fog - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 12.5" × 9.5"
Gentleman's Agreement - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 13" × 9.5"
Oblivious - Pen, Ink and Watercolor 12.25" × 8.25"
Bunny Canyon - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 12.7 × 8.75"
Johnson Snake - Pen, Ink and Watercolor - 12.25 × 8.5"
See more of my watercolors at:


See more at: Through out my career as an illustrator, I have always continued to pursue my personal work, mostly in the for Read More


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