Nina Juresic's profile

Young Adults Then and Now

Young Adults Then and Now
Illustration, Logo design, UI color sheme, Responsive design
Data exploration web-app comparing  today’s youth to the same age group troughout the dacades.
2015 Webby Award Honoree (for the Best Government Website)
Logo design, UI, map color scheme
As a part of a larger design team I was in charge of making the logo, deciding on the color pallet, and deciding on how to most effictively visualise the data on the map.
Logo is a represantion of youth troughout the recent few generations. I used pastel color pallet for the characters to give a contrast to the dark pink color used for the devices that visually convey the generations time period.
In order to strengthen the visual identity of the project I would use a similiar styled illustration troughtout the project. An example would be these pop-ups that would help the users on how to use the web-app.
Young Adults Then and Now


Young Adults Then and Now

Data exploration web-app comparing today’s youth to the same age group throughout the decades.
