Plant Plan | Augmented Projection Installation


《拓栽子》 是一件集結人類與生俱來的創造力,共同完成的互動作品。
這個作品的互動媒介:種子手工紙,是我們利用生活中產生的剩菜、果皮等結合再生紙漿自製而成。每張種子紙上的畫作,將代表人們對環境未來的期待與希望。透過擴增投影具象化 「種植」 與 「環境」 的美好本質,誘使體驗者願意將種子手工紙帶回家栽種,喚醒人們從種植發展到對於環境保護的關注意識。

'Plant Plan', an Augmented projection, enable people to join forces with us to accomplish our interactive digital installation.
We provide handmade paper, which comes with seeds inside, to let people draw on it. The masses could express their creativity without restraint. Each drawing the masses made is one of a kind. What you draw stands for hopes and expectations to our future environment. When most people are willing to put their hopes into practice to have the sprout, a better life is just around the corner.

How to Interact?

First, imaging the the future environment, plants, etc. Then, paste your paper to the wall. Once the paper is pasted, it will be projected with our growing sprout.
Furthermore, people could use the props next to the wall to interact with their new species of plants on handmade papers by watering or fertilizing on it. The wall will have become lively when more and more handmade paper is pasted.
Finally, every participants could make the outcomes different from their own decisions. They could either leave their drawing for digital collections, or take the paper home and put them into soil. Resume the combination of life cycle between our installation and the environment.

Introduction of Handmade Seed Paper


We went to fruit stores to collect the peels they throw away. To give peels and paper a second life. We already have 30 kinds of handmade paper currently. Not only the fruits peels, but receipt Chinese red envelopes, okara, etc. we used. In this installation, we encourage the masses to draw their imagination about the plant in the future world. They could express their creativity without restraint. "How will the environment look like after 100 years?" Take a piece of handmade paper. Let's draw what you image about the future plant!

澆水後 After Watering
施肥後 After Fertilizing
偶爾出現的鄰居 Neighbors

People's imagination

Photograph of Exhibition

此作品於 3/25 - 4/9 於拉古納國際藝術獎展出。
This artwork was exhibited at the 11th Arte Laguna Prize.

Plant Plan | Augmented Projection Installation

Project Made For

Plant Plan | Augmented Projection Installation

'Plant Plan', an Augmented projection, enable people to join forces with us to accomplish our interactive digital installation. We provide handma Read More
