"The Avalanche" 
The Avalanche is a weapon containing energy or magical abilities to control the element of Ice. Its basic form is a scepter that has its own will to choose its owner unless passed-on by a current owner. It can create snow storms, auroras, fogs, ice fragments, ice blocks and ice beams. Depending on the mental ability and spiritual strength of the owner, there are still a lot that this weapon can do and for the owner to discover. This weapon can also transform into a Sword, Spear and a Boomerang depending on the mental will of its owner.

It has a twin shield weapon called "The Iceberg".
The Avalanche in Scepter form:
The Avalanche in Sword form:
The Avalanche in Spear form:
The Avalanche in Boomerang form:
"The Iceberg"
The Iceberg is the twin weapon of The Avalanche. It has the power to block any attacks or magical force of ice elements. It also has its ability to choose its owner. Though its main purpose is to block and shield, it is also blessed with energy or power to release Ice Waves or Aurora Waves as a form of offense.

The radius of its shielding capacity depends on the ability of the owner and its connection to the Iceberg.
"The Avalanche"

"The Avalanche"

Magical weapons that can transform into different forms depending on the need of the fighter or user.
