Reflect is a diptych that expresses the artist’s representation of herself. The images have no set environment. The darkness that envelops the figure gives the viewer little interpretation- perhaps the subject is not in a real place? Perhaps she is in a vast empty space? The mirror has no reflection in the first image, yet in the second image she appears to be trapped or reflected in it.

In a dream, a mirror “represents self-reflection or self-awareness. You are noticing something about yourself. Assessing yourself. Thinking about yourself honestly”.[1]In this diptych the mirror is used as a symbol to set up a dialogue between our mirror image and ourselves.

I use myself as the subject in this series as my photographs follow the theme of self-realization. Camera Raw is used to create contrast and darken the photo while Photoshop is used to layer the images and remove the reflection in the mirror.

[1] "Dream Interpretation of Mirror." Dream Bible. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.


Fine Art Photography
